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Saturday 10 June 2017

About me

I've looked at writing a blog for years but figured I never had the time, didn't have anything interesting to say, and really, who would read it? You know? Who really cares?? So here goes nothing.
About me.... 
I travel, when I can, where I can. Not as much as some, but more than others. Not a competition, just a comment. I like to see and do new things. I don’t let the fact that I am a single woman travelling alone stop me.
I always seem to have a 4-5 year plan. Note this never, ever comes to fruition.
A friend helped me get my first passport way back when, about 1990, so we could travel to Fiji. From there followed a few Bali jaunts then 4 cruises. ‘95 I was given a redundancy and the boy (T) and I travelled. Africa, Europe, America and NZ. Back to Oz and got married. Decided to move to the UK in 2010. So we did. And continued to travel.
We went our separate ways in 2008 and I continued to travel. Mostly on my own, but once or twice a year with my friend A. She took me to Vietnam in 2015 and showed me her favourite places. I took her to Hamburg in 2016 for the Christmas markets, gluvine and beer halls. We have been to: Sorrento (Italy)  2013, Portugal 2014, Malta 2016 all with A. More to follow.
In April 2015 I hired a campervan in Iceland and drove around for 5 days. On my own.
December 2013- January 2014 I booked a cruise up the coast of Norway. I’ve spent Christmas in Australia every other year, when I can. Otherwise its been Turkey, Norway, Jersey/Guernsey. Well I think you get the idea.